Daddy, Will You Be There for Me?

Author and Composer: Michael Overholt

Thank you to Michael Overhalt for granting permission to post this song on WebHymns.



Daddy, will you be there for me when I wake up in the night
When I cannot close my eyes and sleep, will you rock me, hold me tight?
Will you drive my tractor on the floor, pitch my balls and push my swing?
May I come to you with broken toys, will you mend my broken things?
Will you be there, will you love my mommy, hug me every day,
(O Daddy,) Daddy, will you be home at night, teach me how to pray?

Jump to Verse 4


When you come from your work at night, daddy, then I want you near,
There are problems that are big to me, will stop and give your ear?
I don't care if you are rich or poor, I just want to have your heart,
I just want to know that you're my friend, I will try to do my part.
Will you be there when I have a problem and I need to share,
(O Daddy,) Daddy, will you be there for me, will you really care?


Daddy, will you be there for me when I need some one to care,
When I face this life's complexities and I'm ready to despair?
Am I more to you than anything? Do you love me? I'm your child!
May I come to you with broken dreams when I'm broken and defiled?
Will you be there, will you guide me, will you help me to forgive,
(O Daddy,) Daddy, will you be there for me, teach me how to live?


Daddy will you be there for me when I face my setting sun,
When I stand before the judgment seat will I hear those words, "Well done"?
Will you have taught me right from wrong, will your teaching stand the test,
Will I enter into heaven's land with my Lord forever blest?
I'm depending on you, Daddy, and I hope you understand,


We were not able to secure an audio file of this song due to copyright restrictions. If you'd like to hear the song, you may listen to it on Spotify

You can Find this Song In

Harmonies of the Heart #196
Mountain Laurel Echoes #148
O Praise the Lord #64

Copyright 2005 by Michael Overhalt. Used with permission.
878 Wavy Run Rd
Ripley WV 25271
Ph. 304-786-6010